Craftsmanship, Communication, and Care in Every Detail

About Sharper Impressions Painting

Our Roots Began In Your Neighborhood

Painting homes is what we do!

sunset backdrop

Sharper Impressions Painting is a painting contractor with over 32 years of residential painting experience along with an impressive reference list from satisfied customers. Your home is your most valuable asset and our respectful painting team will make it look great and keep it protected for a long time.

Here’s why our customers love us

exterior of a warehouse

No deposit

Upon completion of your house painting project, our house painters will walk around your home with you, making sure your paint job is completed. We then ask that you fill out a customer satisfaction form, then and only then do we collect the final payment.

Exact Quote

32+ years of painting homes just like yours ensures that the quote we give you is accurate and detailed. Our computer generated quotes are printed in 10 minutes and hand delivered to you.

Painters painting the interior of a house


All work performed by Sharper Impressions Painting is completed by experienced painting professionals. We make a living by keeping you happy, and our services are always thorough and timely.

Small, Hands-On House Painting Company

We will provide you with a personalized quote for your home or office. If you should have any questions, we can be easily reached at our office or cell phone.

Four paint cans after a painting project

Paint Materials

We only use the best so that your paint job lasts a long time and looks great.

expert color consultation

Free In-Home Color Consulting

We will dispatch our color consultant to your home for a free in-home color consultation. This paint job is going to last a long time and we want you to be happy with your color choice. Let our experts help you!

Computer Generated Quotes

Our quotes are printed in 10 minutes and hand-delivered to you. They are detailed and accurate to all surfaces you need to be painted. Customers always compliment us on how easy our house painting quotes are to read and comprehend.

EPA Lead Certified

As an Environmental Protection Agency Lead-Safe Certified Firm, we know how to keep you, your home, and your family safe during any painting project.

Green Initiatives

We purchase and use low-VOC paints to ensure that the gases released when the paint dries are not harmful to you, your family, or our painters.

united way donation

Community Involvement

We commit to volunteering our services to non-profit organizations annually, and we are also supporters of various charity events.

Our Core Values


At Sharper Impressions Painting, you can expect an unwavering commitment to quality in every project we undertake. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we ensure meticulous attention to detail from preparation to the final brushstroke. Our skilled painters use only premium materials and proven techniques, guaranteeing a long-lasting, beautiful finish that enhances and protects your property.


Integrity guides everything we do at Sharper Impressions Painting. You deserve a team that values honesty, transparency, and reliability. That’s why we provide clear communication and fair pricing and stand behind our work with full accountability. You can trust us to honor our commitments, treat your property respectfully, and deliver results that reflect our word.


At Sharper Impressions Painting, giving back is woven into our mission. We proudly support our community by partnering with local charities and donating our services and funds to their important work. Your support allows us to extend a helping hand to those in need, making a meaningful impact together.