We were excited leading up to the eclipse but once we saw it in person we were all amazed at the awe inspiring views. It was cool that all our Managers had different views depending on where they were in the country. Below are some fun pictures and videos documenting those unique views from different cities.

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Our Manager pulled over to a park his work truck in Overland Park, KS and took this picture of the partial eclipse.


We took a break at the office in Dublin, OH and saw a total eclipse and felt the need to launch a celebratory firework. 😊

painter back view photo painting roof

Our Project Manager brought eclipse glasses to our jobsite in Powell, OH and our painters had the best view in town from our ladders on a jobsite.


Our Office Manager is incredibly talented with technology and art and caught this timelapse photo of the total eclipse from our office parking lot.

shaper logo

Our Estimator in Roswell, GA met his family at their local library and took this photo in between some sporadic cloud cover.

Our office featuring a blue and yellow horizon

Our Vice President at our office took this picture of our office sign with the nearly full eclipse.

Sharper truck painting

Our Foreman pulled over at the paint store and took a photo of his truck with the sun and moon in the background.

What a fun natural event for everyone and we hope you and your family & friends also had a great view of this once in a century phenomenon.