When you want to add some color or dimension to your home interior, painting accent walls can be an easy and effective way to freshen up any room. An accent wall is simply painted a different color than the other walls in a room to create a focal point, showcase artwork, add an element of surprise, or create much-needed texture. But, what colors are best for accent walls? While accent walls tend to vary in color due to personal taste and function, the following accent wall color ideas can help you choose the right hue for your space.
Painting Accent Walls Dark
Dark accent walls such as dark gray, blue-gray, navy and even black are popular choices amongst homeowners. Dark colors are classic accent wall colors that provide understated dimension in a room. Painting dark accent walls may be right for your space if:
- You want to paint an accent wall in your kitchen. Dark paint colors are great for high-traffic areas like kitchens as they can be easier to keep clean. And if your space has white cabinetry, the dark color will create a nice, contrasted look.
- The room you’re painting doesn’t receive a lot of natural light. While many people think white walls are the only option for rooms that are devoid of daylight, stark white walls can make a dark space appear dull. Painting just one accent wall black, gray, or navy in a dim room can create a cozy ambiance.
- Your decor and accents add color to the room. A too-dark room can look uninviting, but if you have brightly-colored textiles, artwork or furniture pieces they will really pop against dark accent walls.
- You’re painting your bedroom. A dark navy or dark gray in the bedroom can be especially calming and promote sound sleep. While some people choose to paint every wall of their bedrooms dark, a dark accent wall can create the same effect just as well without being too overwhelming.
Painting Accent Walls in Bright Colors
An accent wall doesn’t have to be muted in color. If you love brighter colors, you can get away with painting just one wall in your favorite hue without dominating the entire room. Reds, blues, greens, and yellows can really tie a room together when used properly. Painting accent walls in bright colors may be right for you if:
- Your accents and decor don’t overpower the room with color. Make sure your bold accent wall color remains your focal point and complements your furniture fabric, throw pillows, or other decorative elements.
- The other walls of the room are neutral in color. A brightly-colored accent wall can look great when the adjoining walls of the room are painted in a lighter neutral color such as white, beige, or light gray. The contrast of the bright color against light-neutral walls can bring a modern look to any room.
- Your furniture is white. White furniture against a teal, yellow, or other brightly-colored wall can create a sense of playfulness and look especially inviting.
Painting Accent Walls Neutral
If your interior decorating style leans neutral, an accent wall that is neutral in color can still liven up your space. Neutral accent walls simply need to be a few shades lighter or darker than the color on the rest of the room’s walls. Painting accent walls neutral may be right for you if:
- You need to create balance in a narrow room. Warm neutrals like a dark brown or dark greige on an end wall of a narrow space will make the room appear cozier than it actually is.
- You’re painting a small room. Painting one accent wall a few shades lighter than the other walls of a small room can make your space seem larger and create much-needed depth.
- You are painting your finished basement. If you’re painting an accent wall in your basement a lighter color, don’t overlook the low ceiling. Try also painting the ceiling in the same light neutral accent color to create some height.
Seek Expert Help When Choosing Accent Walls Colors
If you’re having trouble deciding between a few colors for your accent wall, or simply don’t know where to begin, an expert paint color consultant can help. A high-quality professional painting company will offer interior painting services that include free in-home paint color consultations with skilled professionals who understand the hottest color trends to help you choose your ideal hue. After your consultation, you’re sure to have confidence in your accent wall color choice. Get a free interior painting quote today!