Summer has arrived and this means that many of us are spending more time outside and naturally our thoughts turn to getting jobs done, in the yard or on the house perhaps. Summer is hot and dry and a great time to paint but before you pick up that paintbrush, check the nearest thermometer. Because while the bright sunshine highlights dirt or damp stains on outside walls left by the long winter, the summer heat can also affect your paint and the finished result of paint work.

If you’re not making sure to paint in the shade on hot days, the high temperatures stop the paint from binding properly, which means it can peel or crack much more easily and you’ll find you need to do the job again in a short time. In really extreme heats, the paint can even blister. This is why the painters at Sharper start early once the morning dew has evaporated.

We also take into account the drying process, which means taking humidity into account. Of course, this varies depending on which part of the country we are in, but humidity levels of 40%-50% tend to be ideal. Levels over 70% will slow the drying and curing process but we always take into account the humidity levels before we start, so as to leave enough drying time for a perfect finish.

At Sharper, we also prefer to work when there is a gentle breeze to aid the drying process, but we avoid strong winds. They cause the paint to dry too fast and stop a good film from forming. This being said, warm days are preferable to cold ones when it comes to painting the exterior of a building. In the cold, walls retain more moisture and natural pores in the wood or stone contract, meaning the paint is not absorbed so easily.

If you are not too sure about the ideal conditions to paint, it is worth checking the labels on the cans of paint you’re planning to use. Many manufacturers are now making paints that can be used in a wider range of temperatures. Alternatively you can turn to experts like the painters at Sharper Impressions. We’ll be in the shade taking care of your paint job for you while you enjoy the lovely summer sunshine and we enjoy the perfect condition of the shade to work our paint magic.