There are a number of reasons why stucco makes such a great choice for the exterior of a building. For a start, it’s long-lasting and an excellent source of protection against the elements, and when properly cared for it is very attractive. But, on the flip side, like any coating, stucco can become dirty or faded over time, and in addition to this it’s also prone to chipping and cracking.

The good news is that stucco can easily be made to look as good as new by painting it. However there are a number of points you need to take into consideration as choosing the wrong type of paint or not preparing your surfaces correctly can do more harm – at least aesthetically – than good.

So what do you need to bear in mind if you’re thinking about repainting your stuccoed exterior? Read on and we will point you in the right direction.

Picking the perfect paint

When it comes to paint there’s more to think about than what color you’re going to choose for your home’s exterior: that’s the fun part! You also need to give some thought to the type of paint you are going to use. And in the case of stucco this means opting for a ‘flat’ paint, or one with no, or low, lustre. High gloss paints do not work well with stucco and are harder to keep in peak condition. Gloss also reflects more light which highlights any imperfections.

It’s all in the preparation

Now it’s time for precisely nobody’s favorite part of the painting process: prep. Using a pressure washer to get rid of mildew, dirt, light stains and loose existing coating is your first task. Once your home’s exterior is clean you’ll be able to tackle caulking – filling in any cracks and fractures. We suggest using a textured caulk as this works best with stucco. Once the caulk is dry it’s time to prime. It can be tempting to cut corners and skip this step, but priming before painting really does give you a far better end result. Ensure that the primer is completely dry before you even think about opening a can of paint!

Ready, set, paint…

Choosing a perfect day to embark on your paint job is important as weather that is too hot, too cold or too wet can seriously hamper both your ability to paint and your end result. Check the weather forecast before you get started. The ideal conditions for painting a stucco exterior are low to moderate humidity and a temperature that is somewhere in the region of 50 and 90 degrees fahrenheit.

You’re finally ready to get started but with such a large surface area to cover, it can feel a little daunting. However, don’t feel like you have to get as much paint on the wall as quickly as possible – try and exercise a little restraint for in order to achieve a polished result, you need to approach your home methodically. Using a brush, first paint around windows, doors and other trims. Once this is complete, you can then paint around the edges of your walls. Again, don’t be in too much of a rush; stucco is not a flat smooth surface and to create an even finish you will need to work the brush into the surface. To paint the walls themselves, divide your home into ‘sections’, and use a roller to fill in the remainder. When you’ve finished, take a good look at your work and make sure there are no gaps or rough edges where brushwork meets roller work or between the larger painted ‘sections’.

Now you can sit back and let the paint dry overnight before applying a second coat in the morning. The good news is that two coats should suffice, and you can use the roller for all surface areas this time round.

If you’d like to give your stuccoed home a facelift but you don’t have the time to spare, or are worried about creating a professional-looking end result, talk to the team at Sharper Impressions today. We have a wealth of experience in painting stucco exteriors: our experts know exactly what type of paint to use, can suggest the right colors to ensure a stylish finish, and always deliver a high quality result that you’re sure to love.